- Logon to www.irctc.co.in and register for this facility
- Login using your user ID and password.
- Select ‘From’ and ‘To’ locations
- Select the date and class
- Check for availability
- Select a train from the given list
- Click and book your ticket
- Once done, click on the make payment button and select IDBI Bank to make payment
- Fill in the details of payments and the amount will be instantly debited from your account. You will receive your ticket at your doorstep within 24-48 hours.
You can also book tickets online using the e-ticket option. You have to provide photo identity card details of any one of the passengers while booking the ticket. On confirmation, you can take a print of the Electronic Reservation Slip (ERS) and proceed on your journey with the ERS and the photo identity card.
The following photo identity cards are considered valid. - PAN Card
- Voter Identity Card
- Passport
- Central / State Govt. issued Photo ID Card
- Driving License